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Delaware Virtual Library Events

Updated: May 11, 2021

Delaware Libraries across the state have created a shared Virtual Library Events Calendar to enable Delawareans to participate in library programs and story-time while at home. The library building may be closed, but the virtual library is open and ready for you from your home. Everyone is welcome to join in on all the events libraries have to offer.

The Virtual Library Events are offered through Facebook Live, Zoom, video, YouTube, and more.. all events are consolidated into one calendar. You can still follow your favorite library on social media and visit their website, plus with this calendar you can discover additional programs and events from libraries across the state that you may not have known about before.

Don’t have a library card? No worries… all are welcome to join in on these programs and events. Want a Delaware Library Card but never had the chance to sign-up? You can sign-up online right now and gain access to all eMedia & resources. As always, all library programs and resources are free!

If you have never explored your library in the past, now is the time to visit from the comfort of your home. We hope it is helpful and a welcome diversion for you! Have questions? Just ask us:

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