Delaware Greenways was organized in the early 1990’s during a land conservation movement, which resulted in the creation of the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail. Our advocacy for trails – and scenic byways has continued since then.
By creating trail connections, we are opening safe bicycle and pedestrian travel for recreation and transportation. Needs we found even greater in 2020, and today, then ever before. Our byways provide a way for travelers to take routes that allow exploration of each city and town along the way. Time spent discovering these roads less traveled, enriches all who travel them.
Our work is done collaboratively and in partnership with communities, organizations and agencies to:
Create more trail networks, linking population centers to open space areas
Offer new, safe bike and pedestrian routes, supporting recreation, transportation and outdoor adventures
Champion the beautiful scenic byways in our state, providing options for travelers to explore new routes, discovering the natural, historical, cultural and recreational qualities of each.
Visit their website; HOME - Delaware Greenways